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What is CFEM ?

CFEM is the French sub-commission of ICMI (International Commission on Mathematical Instruction).

In order to represent the diversity of the components of mathematics teaching, CFEM federates the main national associations and academic societies regarding mathematics, its teaching and research in mathematical education (ADIREM, APMEP, ARDM, CNFM, IGEN, SMF, SMAI, UPS). It also maintains close relations with the national inspectors as well as with various commissions (cf. website).

CFEM aims to create links between these components and to encourage common projects. It also is considered by public institutions to officially represent the interests of mathematics teaching.

International interface

Due to its relation with ICMI, CFEM plays an essential role at an international level. In particular it organises the French representation at the International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME) held every four years (ICME10 - July 4-11 2004 - Copenhagen - Denmark).

It also contributes to the international studies regularly held by the ICMI.

Four studies are in preparation:

  • Study 14: "Applications and Modelling in Mathematics Education"
  • Study 15: "Teacher Education and development"
  • Study 16: "Challenging Mathematics in and beyond the Classroom"
  • Study 17 : "Technology revisited".



Colloquium CFEM-ARDM 2024 Numérique et égalité des chances dans l’enseignement des mathématiques
Colloquium CFEM-ARDM 2023 Depuis de nombreuses années, les enjeux de l’égalité hommes-femmes en mathématiques, tant dans l’enseignement, dans la recherche que dans le monde professionnel, ont fait l’objet de travaux de recherche, d’actions de sensibilisation et de recommandations institutionnelles.
Colloquium CFEM-ARDM 2022 Interdisciplinarité dans l’enseignement et la diffusion des mathématiques. Opportunités, freins et leviers
Toutes les manifestations
Technology in Mathematics Teaching Technology in Mathematics Teaching Aldon, G., Trgalova, J. (2019) Springer
Enseigner les mathématiques. Didactique et enjeux de l'apprentissage Enseigner les mathématiques. Didactique et enjeux de l'apprentissage Dorier, J.L., Gueudet, G. (2018). Belin
Mathematics and Technology. A CIEAEM source book Mathematics and Technology. A CIEAEM source book Aldon, G. Hitt, F., Bazzini, L., Gellert, U. (2017). Springer
Toutes les publications