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Mathematics and Technology. A CIEAEM source book

Aldon, G. Hitt, F., Bazzini, L., Gellert, U. (2017). Springer

The 65th, 66th and the 67th conference of the Commission Internationale pour l’Étude et L’Amélioration de l’Enseignement des Mathématiques (CIEAEM), the International Commission for the Study and Improvement of Mathematics Education (http://www.cieaem.org), gave in the years 2014 and 2015 grant importance to the role of technology in mathematics education. In every working group, presentations taking into account the technology show the importance of that topic either for teaching and learning mathematics or for communication within and outside classrooms.

The editorial team of the oultined volume – consisting of the chairs of CIEAEM65 (Bazzini & Hitt), CIEAEM66 and secretary of the commission (Aldon), the president of the commission (Gellert) and the vice-president (Hitt) – invited selected speakers to contribute to the volume by extending and, for some of them by translating into English, their conference papers.

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